How to use and modify ctools modal

Problem Statement: How to modify html of ctools modal box ?


Note: I’m assuming that you already know how to use default ctools modals. If not then, I have created a module to show how to use ctools modal and how to modify html of modalbox.

We have to follow simple 4 steps.

  • Define a new class instance in module, which will trigger our new modalbox.
  'custom-popup-class' => array(
    'modalSize' => array(
      'type' => 'fixed',
      'width' => 500,
      'height' => 300,
    'modalOptions' => array(
      'opacity' => .9,
      'background-color' => '#000',
), 'setting');
  • Assign new modalTheme function.
  'custom-popup-class' => array(
    'modalSize' => array(
      'type' => 'fixed',
      'width' => 800,
      'height' => 400,
    'modalOptions' => array(
      'opacity' => .9,
      'background-color' => '#333',
    'modalTheme' => 'ctools_custom_modal_html',
    'closeText' => 'X',
    'closeImage' => '',
), 'setting');
  • Now create same function (from step-2 eg. ctools_custom_modal_html) in Drupal.theme in js file and render your modalbox.
Drupal.theme.prototype.ctools_custom_modal_html = function () {
  var html = '';
  html += '<div id="ctools-modal" class="ctools-modal-custom">';
  html += '  <div class="ctools-modal-content ctools-modal-custom-help-content">';
  html += '    <div class="modal-header">';
  html += '      <span class="popups-close"><a class="close" href="#">' + Drupal.CTools.Modal.currentSettings.closeImage + '</a></span>';
  html += '      <div class="modal-title">Help</div>';
  html += '    </div>';
  html += '    <div class="modal-scroll"><div id="modal-content" class="modal-content modal-content-custom"></div></div>';
  html += '  </div>';
  html += '</div>';
  return html;
  • Clear Cache.

Now create a link with class name ctools-modal-custom-popup-class and your new modal will be used.

You can go through the code/module on github to see how this code is working together. Download the module, enable it on drupal-7 and enable ctools custom modals block (admin/structure/block) in any region. There will be two links in this block, one for default modal and other for new modal. Use the links and see modal working.