My coding style guide

I should have a common style guide.

So Here I am listing some common things, I follow/use.


First of all tools, I use.

  1. Ubuntu as operating system. I love Terminal.

  2. Sublime as Editor

  3. Git as version control system

  4. Scss with Compass for css preprocessor

  5. css-lint, css-comb, prefix-free as css tools

  6. html5js, respondjs, selectivizrjs as polyfills for IE support

  7. Drupal with Drush as backend system

  8. Zen as Drupal theme

General guide

  1. I use spaces (2 white spaces) instead of tabs.

  2. I use simple/easy-to-do solutions over complex ones.

  3. I google things because I think solution would be available already. Why waste time on writing something, which is available.

  4. I love to use/follow new approaches/methods, so these things can change over time (but not completely).

HTML Guide

Most of time I work on drupal project, so html is provided by drupal. But If I have to write html then I use most of html5 tags and BEM method for naming convention for semantic structure. eg.

    <div class="block block--site-info"><span class="site\_\_logo">Site Logo</span><span class="site\_\_name">Site Name</span></div>
    <nav class="navigation navigation--main">
      <ul class="menu">
        <li class="menu\_\_item"><a class="menu\_\_link" href="">menu1</a></li>
        <li class="menu\_\_item"><a class="menu\_\_link" href="">menu2</a></li>
  <main>This is main content</main>
    <div class="block block--copyright">$₹</div>
    <nav class="navigation navigation--footer">
      <ul class="menu">
        <li class="menu\_\_item"><a class="menu\_\_link" href=""></a></li>
        <li class="menu\_\_item"><a class="menu\_\_link" href=""></a></li>

CSS Guide

I don’t write pure css. I always use scss with compass. I use lots of css3 properties, so I need polyfills for older browsers. eg.

.block {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background: red;
  &.block--modifier {
    background: green;
  .block__title {
    font-size: 1.6em;

Drupal Guide

Drupal is not only CMS anymore, It’s Framework now. I believe we can do lots of work by contributed modules, so I don’t have to worry about maintenance of code. But When I have write code, I like to use drupal API most of time. Some time I prefer custom queries. eg IF we have to show node-titles then we shouldn’t use node_load() we should query from db directly, It cheap.

I commonly use views, ctools, fields, features, context, media, webfrom, wysiwyg modules. They do lots of work on every drupal site. I also use some theming specific module like fences, block_class, menu_attributes etc.

In drupal templating, I write complex code in template.php files and return variables for specific tpl files.